Which Way Next? Archive singularityu.org

From the Singularity University YouTube Channel:

Which Way Next? is a Singularity University webcast series of monthly round-table discussions on exponential technologies with leaders in industry, science and technology. This is a recording of our second livecast episode with Carl Bass, president & CEO of Autodesk, a leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software. On Tuesday, Jan. 24, he joined Singularity University VP for Academics and Innovation Vivek Wadhwa in a discussion of how advances in artificial intelligence, robotics and digital manufacturing will enable us to design, print and manufacture complex products in our own homes. Exponential advancing technologies will provide major new opportunities, but also will disrupt existing industries and threaten jobs around the world.

Which Way Next? focuses on the impact and opportunities presented by exponential technologies on your industry and our collaborative efforts to solve the world's grand challenges. This webcast is produced by Singularity University and hosted by Rob Nail, SU's CEO. http://singularityu.org/whichwaynext

Broadcast Date - January 24, 2012

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