Orrin Pilkey’s prediction of massive sea level rise is sheer fantasy
From Tom G. Thompson, chairman of the board at NC 20, a partnership of 20 coastal N.C. counties dedicated to the region’s economic development. Thompson is responding to a column by Orrin Pilkey, professor emeritus of geology at Duke University, which ran in the Observer on March 25 (“Damaging sea level rise is on the way”):
NC 20 was recently targeted by Dr. Orrin Pilkey in your publication as “anti-science.” Indeed, we do not agree with his projections of drastic increases (88 inches) in sea level by the end of the century, but our objections are based on the opinions and papers of reputable scientists. Because we were singled out by name for criticism, I’d like to respond...
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/04/11/3164367/orrin-pilkeys-prediction-of-massive.html#storylink=cpy