An interesting response to an Ian Bremmer facebook post:
"Since 2006, US energy-related CO2 emissions have fallen more than any other nation in the world."
Number of the Day: 20 percent. That’s the amount by which the Environmental Protection Agency has reduced its estimates of methane leaks during natural gas production. Emissions of the greenhouse gas have been a sticking point for some environmentalists. Now the problem is significantly smaller." - from Ezra Klein, an young newspaperman who shows a lot of promise, but who needs more seasoning and weathering. That is a good thing, because: "“Technological advancements have made the unconventional fossil fuels in North Dakota's Three Forks formation "technically recoverable," the Interior Department’s United States Geological Survey (USGS) announced Tuesday. And by rolling Three Forks into the Bakken shale formation, the region that spans North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana could now produce 7.4 billion barrels of oil, 6.7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 0.53 billion barrels of natural gas liquids. Compared to 2008 estimates, that’s triple the amount of shale gas and double the amount of shale oil that the region could yield.” Zack Colman in The Hill.